Euro Exchange Rate News

New survey shows growing disillusionment with the EU

A survey carried by Pew Research Centre has revealed that support for the European Union has tumbled as distrust grows between the regions member nations and as anger grows over the mishandling of the debt crisis.

The respected Washington based Pew research centre warned that support for the EU has declined by 12% in just the past year alone, a drop from 60% in 2012 to just 45% this year. European citizens are angry and increasingly disillusioned with the European project as the regions economy enters a sixth-straight quarter of contraction and as Europe endures its longest recession since the creation of the single currency.

Pew surveyed over 7,600 people in March in eight countries – Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece and the Czech Republic.

Pew said; “The effort over the past half century to create a more united Europe is now the principal casualty of the Euro crisis. The European project now stands in disrepute across most of Europe. The prolonged economic crisis has created centrifugal forces that are pulling European public opinion apart, separating the French from the Germans and the Germans from everyone else. The southern nations of Spain, Italy and Greece are becoming ever more estranged as evidenced by their frustration with Brussels, Berlin and the perceived unfairness of the economic system.”

The survey also revealed that France is the nation leading the way with its disillusionment not the UK. Malaise in France is now on par with the economically ravaged nations of Greece, Spain and Italy than in line with the relatively positive view held by Germans, it was the only nation where more than 50% of those surveyed backed giving more powers to the EU.

According to the report; “No other European country is becoming more dispirited and disillusioned faster than France, The French are negative about the economy, with 91% saying it is doing badly, up 10% from 2012.”

Support for the Euro fared better than support for the EU with 60% of those surveyed favouring to keep the currency. The ease of travel is the major reason for the currencies support despite the fact that the Euro is exacerbating the crisis.
“Support for the Euro has actually increased in Italy and Spain since last year,” the study said.

Current Euro (EUR) Exchange Rates

The Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 1.2983

The Euro/Pound Sterling Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 0.8495

The Euro/Australian Dollar Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 1.3068

The Euro/ New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 1.5721

The US Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 0.7701

The Pound Sterling /Euro Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 1.1786

The Australian Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 0.7655

The New Zealand Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate is currently in the region of: 0.6356

(Correct as of 12:15pm GMT)

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